

This isn't my html. I didn't make this, SkyWelse and-whyisit made this.

There's a website I remember being entirely my foray, at a young age, into the internet-- https://cavestory.org/. I found it through a LBP2 level description. The Level, m'Itself, was an in-game sequencing of the entire soundtrack, remade, fanmade. In the coming months, I will rip this html, css & javascript apart as I figure out how coding works. Finally, at last.. because website templates (of which I started a month-long search for on itch.io) didn't suit me comfortably, I took the template for my entire internet compendium, from my youth. Is it really humble to admit I'm a thief?

- SkyeWelse, right now.


Recent Site Updates

31 December 2024

  • Doukutsu Club link updated.
  • Added links for the widescreen version of Ikachan.
  • More browser compatibility nonsense.
  • Videos under fan works should now have video controls sized to match the width of the video.
  • Fixed broken Pooh Black papercraft thumbnail.

28 December 2024

  • Suikutsu Monogatari added to the fan works section of the site.